Porcelanato is a type of ceramic covering characterised by its low levels of water absorption, which are close to zero per cent.
Such characteristic gives it to high mechanical resistance, making it the best product when it comes to ceramic covering.
Porcelanato is an Italian word that comes from “porcelain”: by definition, a white pasty-like ceramic which is completely glazed, commonly used in the manufacturing of plates, cups, bowls, and other objects referred as “table porcelains”.
Because this type of ceramic has very similar characteristics to the porcelains, it is known as Porcelanato.
Such terms refer to different manufacturing of ceramic paste.
“Dry Pressing” is the manufacturing of paste from one or two types of clay which are grind without using water, and then granulated, wet, and pressed together.
“Wet Pressing” is the manufacturing of paste normally composed of, at least, four or five types, of raw material, that are ground together with water. After grinding, the paste is dried out in a process similar to the one used for producing powdered milk or instant coffee, called Spray Dryer. The granulate resulting from the drying is finally pressed together.
Porcelanato (glazed and polished) is produced by using Wet Pressing. It demands high equipment investment and high energy consumption for grinding and drying the paste, what reflects in higher prices.
Every piece that comes from any of the manufacturing processes listed above is sent either to the glazing line (glazed tiles) or straight to the oven (polished tiles).
Nano Technology is the trade name that describes the coating treatment after polishing.
It consists of applying a type of resin to the surface of each piece, sealing it and making it brighter and stain resistant.
Nano Technology makes products brighter and more stain resistant.
The micro-porosity of polished Porcelanate and other polished natural stones can lead to stains on the buildup of dirt and dust.
The Nano Technology treatment seals the pores, making them impermeable, stain resistant and shiny.
As every ceramic product, or even like any other type of coating –such as wood, stones, and vinyl covering – Porcelanato is subject to scratches, particularly when exposed to abrasive materials such as sand and building debris.
It is important to manipulate this product carefully and keep it as clean as possible, far from sand, debris, nails, wires and other abrasive materials that are usually used at a construction site.
Protecting the areas after laying the tiles helps avoiding scratches and other wearing sings. You can do it by using plaster, carton boards, plastics, and fabrics.
No. The low level of water absorption of these products requires special mortar with chemical additive in its formula for proper adhesion.
We always recommend using adequate mortar to AC II type tiles in indoor areas and AC III type for outdoor areas. We highly recommend using good quality mortar and following closely the manufacturer’s instructions.
A good final result comes from high quality products combined with skilled labor.
For no-rectified products, we strongly recommend a 4-mm laying joint. This is the minimum joint recommended under any circumstances.
For rectified products (the ones whose edges have been sawed after firing), we strongly recommend a 2-mm laying joint. This is the minimum joint recommended under any circumstances.
Porcelanato does not demand any especial procedure for cleaning and maintenance. Daily care by using water, house cleaning products, cloths, and brushes is enough.
Occasionally, you can also use abrasive liquid soaps, such as Cif, Radium, Vim, and others to clean impregnate dirt.
It is highly recommended to keep those areas clean and free from sand and other abrasive materials.
Besides legal warrant, DELTA ensures warrant for Porcelanato, at any moment, relating to visible defects (piece selecting problems; tonal, size, and geometrical variations) that are claimed before laying the tiles, or registered before finishing their laying.
Unseen problems must be claimed as soon as detected.
Warrant does not cover scratches and wearing signs or loss of shine due to daily use.
Every ceramic material is sensible to impacts, demanding storage, handling and transportation care.
Always follow the instructions of use, laying, and maintenance of the products.